
Relook at boredom

Contrary to popular belief, a break is one of the most rejuvinating experiences. However our blotched vision denies us the charm. Time to relook, look afresh and revive

Understanding boredom: what goes on inside

It is the state when one does not have any interesting choice to pursue, characterized by lack of concentration, restlessness and a lethargic feel, with disinterest in one’s surroundings. Boredom scientist Koerth-Baker and Maggie refers to it as a specific mental state that people find unpleasant.When we get bored, we ignite a network in our brain, which is termed as the “default mode.” This is when we actually think beyond our conscious mind, allowing a stream of connections to take place, beyond the adverse effects on mental health, cognition, and depression. The human conditioning to avoid boredom is so strong that given a choice, subjects would prefer to shock and pain themselves rather than be bored out of inaction.


Social media: getaway or a reprieve from boredom?

Going by common understanding, when we indulge ourselves in social media, we become less bored. However, USC Researchers (2015-2017) have studied teenagers who were on social media while talking to their friends or doing homework. Two years later, it was found that that they had become less creative and imaginative about their future and also solving societal problems. With the infusion of artificial intelligence in Social media, not only our imagination, but also our memory power has been gradually decreasing. It certainly calls for a check through rightful advocation of digital literacy whereby one will know how to harness the power of social media rightfully rather than be its victim.


Harness the positives

However, if harnessed appropriately, boredom can have significant benefits. Psychoanalyst Adam Philips (1993) had speculated on its developmental significance for children, while Friedrich Nietzsche commented on the creative power of boredom and found value on its relationship to art. As we think in our subconscious in our state of boredom, we think of innovative ideas and also increase our productivity. However, boredom is almost a nonentity in the blitzkrieg pace of life today. When it comes through, it is worth considering it as a break to get the most out of.


Get the best of a break

A break gives a Productivity Boost, helping to recharge one’s mental energy.It revives our state of mental health and well-being. In fact, short breaks during the workday are known to enhance attention, ensuring better performance. One is often back after a break with renewed energy and clarity.

Taking a break is not a sign of weakness; it’s a sign of wisdom. So sit, relax and take a five minute , breather to re-energize yourself and get more innovative.


About the authors

The article has been contributed by Oishika Chakraborty and Parnika Ghosh from Auxilium Convent School, Bandel.


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