ABOUTInternational STEAM Research (ISR)

Atmanirbhar Award
Rajiv Gandhi Icon Award
Bengal Pride Award
Nomination Certificatea-117

About us

In order to contribute towards the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations, we provide programmes based on Science and Technology through the use of Engineering and Artistic processes, based on the principles of Mathematics called STEAM. Our intension is not to make anyone an expert in all of what is mentioned, but harnessing the essential transferable skills behind them which are vital for a thriving economy and a safe sustainable society. In order to do so, we provide scalable, sustainable, inclusive and integrated STEAM programmes and research utilizing the expertise of forward thinkers, administrators, teachers and institutional support and impact students. Hence, the inception of International STEAM Research (ISR). Started by two multifaceted educationists, the company has been working and promoting Heutagogy with various institutions and organization across the globe since 2017.

By providing quality education (SDG 4) for all, ISR intends to help break the cycle of poverty (SDG 1) and reach gender equality (SDG 5). These three Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) will help people obtain decent work and contribute towards their economies (SDG 8) and will be empowered to live healthier lives (SDG 3) through inclusive and sustainable industrialisation and fostering innovation (SDG 9). Through education we can foster the values of empathy and inclusiveness key to reducing inequalities (SDG 10) ultimately leading to peaceful societies (SDG 16).


Ignite minds to develop problem solvers and researchers for a sustainable world.


Facilitate quality education, through inclusive, integrated and self-determined learning by way of higher order thinking and invention literacy.

Sustainability & Impact

By providing quality education (SDG 4) for all, ISR intends to help break the cycle of poverty (SDG 1) and reach gender equality (SDG 5). These three Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) will help people obtain decent work and contribute towards their economies (SDG 8) and will be empowered to live healthier lives (SDG 3) through inclusive and sustainable industrialisation and fostering innovation (SDG 9). Through education we can foster the values of empathy and inclusiveness key to reducing inequalities (SDG 10) ultimately leading to peaceful societies (SDG 16).
“There is no more powerful transformative force than education—to promote human rights and dignity, to eradicate poverty and deepen sustainability, to build a better future for all, founded on equal rights and social justice, respect for cultural diversity, and international solidarity and shared responsibility, all of which are fundamental aspects of our common humanity.”
Former Director-General of UNESCO

Our Future

“The future job market belongs to the heutagogical and versatile”. Sophisticated technologies with AI, Robotics, IoT, coding, virtual reality, augmented reality etc will make the workforce of the future almost unrecognizable and will displace millions of workers. Glimpses of which we are already experiencing today, with artificial intelligence being used by, law firms, banks, accounting firms, hospitals, corporations and education platforms have already started displacing jobs.

High precision long duration critical surgeries are being carried out by robots that do not get tired. Cancerous cells and other critical diseases will be detected by AI which will be far more precise than what a human eye could do. Driverless cars, air taxies, face recognition check-ins and check-outs at airports and shopping malls, food delivery by drones, construction and manufacturing with the help of 3D printing and robots will drive our economy. Even the music industry has started using machine learning and AI to produce music in numerous languages through a neural network of machine algorithms that can perform as good as a human.

An exponential development in technology is inevitable and a drastic change in the way we work and the type of jobs we do in the near future is what awaits us. Let us partner to help each other be future ready.

Our Weekly Schedule

Our Weekly Schedule

Get free advice from Global Experts on how your institution can be Future Ready with Experiential Education through S.T.E.A.M.

Get free advice from Global Experts on how your institution can be Future Ready with Experiential Education through S.T.E.A.M.

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+91 983 148 0116
Global Presence


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