In todays world, it is evident we prioritise instant gratification and results, and subsequently, this sees individuals emphasising the rhetoric of ‘what’s in it for me?’, instead of ‘what is best for all?’ or ‘what is best for future generations?’. This cannot be the way we think. We must change for the betterment of the planet and for the current and future generations.

We think that the world is selfish, brutal and self centered. But what about people who have completely given their lives for others?. History is replete with copious examples. Today India is independent because of such amazing altruistic people who gave up their lives for India's freedom. Let us explore this intriguing attribute

The tendency to help another may be innate to humans, but some are more human than others. Yes, some are altruists who go out of their way, subjecting themselves happily to pain and difficulties for the sake of another. Perhaps, for such beings, there is no 'other' being; but a single integrated whole where the self has extended much beyond one's being.

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