
Ride on time

We fail to realise its value, though this is what gives value to everything. It is the central yardstick for gauging the worth of any experience. And its mindless use leads to our misery.

Time and value

There is no resource more valuable than time, as this is the singular constant parameter on which everything in life is attained. It is irreversible, yet it is abused through procrastination and distraction. Our attention is constantly taken away by multiple agents such as social media,smartphones, video games and the like.
However, though time has high importance, it will be improper and myopic to equate unproductive time as wastage of time. Life offers us several experiences, the values of which we realise as we move ahead in time and not at the point of the action. For instance, activities such as Calligraphy makes us develop a healthy approach towards extracurricular activities and may open up a new world of opportunities for us later in life.


Handling the time challenge

Time constraint is a universal challenge. However it can be overcome with courage and resilience. We fail to realise that as a resource, time is even more valuable than money. Mindful utilisation of time helps us and our society create a sustainable future.

In life, every moment brings with it thousands of golden opportunities, while a fraction of a second can make a difference between life and death. Every minute is a storehouse of chances. Therefore, we must not allow such precious time to slip away. This makes it essential to realize the essence of time and start living. Most often, life may not offer us a second chance to correct our mistake. It is very important to be grateful for the gift of life and live each day as if it were our last. If this sounds very dramatic, we can at least start living each year as if it were our last year.


Importance of time management

Every successful person has invested in time by proper time management. Time management is all about setting goals, preparing work lists and prioritising our tasks. He shows discipline and punctuality, who will never pile up work for the last moment. It is time that resolves most of human conflict and confusion; none but time can prove whether a decision taken is right or wrong.

Time is the essential resource for students. Spending time in wasteful activities would be a mindless act. Every accomplishment in life can be achieved through meticulous time management. Rather than offer excuses for inability to perform a certain task, it is worth remembering that everyone has 24 hours a day. The ultimate victors are those who manage time the best. Future is unpredictable. However we can handle it best when we make best use of the present time.


About the authors

The article has been contributed by the following students from Don Bosco Central School, Mannuthy, Kerala: Hannah Sara Deepu, Ganashyam Renjith, J Satharoopa and Chrysil Jose.

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