Working out the plan

February 22, 2022by Editorial Team

Each of us wants to leave a mark on this world. This can be done by trying to bring about a change in the world around us. However, the stakes here are high, and one needs to tread with caution and control.

What is the roadmap for a changemaker?

It is all about planning one’s work, and working out the plan. One takes up a roadmap, which is essentially a plan or strategy followed to achieve a particular goal. This path is unique for every being, depending on the circumstances, capabilities and potential of the individual.

Is it the right roadmap for me?

However the roadmaps we set out for ourselves are usually those of our role models, those who have made themselves famous in a particular field. For one who aspires to be a software engineer may set Mr Satya Nadella, CEO of Microsoft, or Sundar Pichai- CEO of Google as her role model. One would tend to take those steps which such personalities had taken, only to feel demotivated and discouraged. This happens because one compares the Chapter 1 of his own story to Chapter 20, 25 or sometimes even 50 of theirs. She gets overwhelmed with what they are set out to achieve. Thus, not having achieved it, they develop a fear towards their goals instead of recognizing the steady journey required to achieve it.

Thus the only roadmap which is relevant for young change makers is the one they make for themselves. Driven with passion and starting small, one can steadily inch towards the goal. Instead of being overwhelmed with the magnitude of the goal, one needs to believe that it can be realized. What is critical here is to focus on the present moment that will take him to the next step of the goal.


The arduous checks for a changemaker

This change, however, is the outcome of years of dogged perseverance and arduous years of hard work. The journey opens up myriads of new challenges, trials, and tribulations that an aspiring ‘change maker’ has to go through. In fact, the change is actually realized when one can bring about a paradigm shift in the mind-set of people. One realizes that being a changemaker tests one’s patient resolve at every step of the journey. What helps to achieve the goal is setting a clear and realistic timeline, chalking out a workable plan, drawing up a careful strategy, taking an occasional break, building a network of like-minded youth, expanding it and learning to take temporary setbacks in one’s stride.


The pitfalls to be aware of

A true changemaker should not get tempted or influenced by the glamour and aura that comes with it. It’s not about the cosmetic social media glitz, the occasional social awareness events or the eye-catching Facebook posts. It is about real grind, tooth and nail. It is all about planning one’s work, and working out the plan. It is always worth investing time and energy in anything that is good and necessary. 


About the authors

This article has been contributed by the following students from Calcutta International School, Kolkata- Mayurakshi Sarkar, Prakhar Drolia and Prithviraj Jhunjhunwala.


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