
Appreciating the earth

The enigma

Delve into layers beyond and beneath the mysteries of the earth that evade the human eye through Nanotechnology. The revelations are bountiful and endless.

Nature, moving at its pace, is truly a visual treat. From tracing the inconspicuous growth of a mushroom, to the slow paced planetary wind belt system, such marvellous spectacles have always escaped being noticed by the racing human eye. However today, all of these can be viewed with much ease, owing to the quantum leap in technology, specifically Nanotechnology. Our understanding of the marvels of nature opens up our minds, expand our horizons and perspectives, feeding our young brains with more knowledge and helping us become better recipients of the way things happen in the natural world.

Get the insight through Nanotechnology

Observing the superfast wing movements of the Dragonfly, and using the same principle to develop mechanical or artificial dragonflies, mankind gets an insight into the crevices of nature on earth. With the aid of Nanotechnology, molecules can be arranged and rearranged, thereby changing the physical and chemical nature of elements, enabling us to peep into the mysteries of the earth. The insight into the nanoworld is possible with the use of electron microscopy which uses electron beams to magnify objects a million times. It enables researchers to see the viruses, analyze their structure and produce medicines. Technology predicts that Nanotechnology can be used to repair a DNA, and that with the tip of a powerful microscope, atoms can be moved. In fact this is powerful inspiration for one to become an environmental journalist, plunge into that domain, preserve the earth’s diversity through multiple ways and witness nature’s marvels. Such interventions will certainly raise the consciousness towards developing a sustainable world in every human mind.


Direct your mind, rightfully

Having thus seen the unseeable, it can be stated that the natural world runs on two principles –
1. Perspective of Seeing, and
2. Accuracy of Action.

One might see nature with a perspective to let it thrive, and know more about it, by adopting actions beneficial to mankind and unassailable to Earth’s biodiversity. However, on the other hand, one can also see nature with an intent to extract benefits from it, by adopting actions temporarily pleasant to mankind, but with a deep impairment for the future, rendering barren the finely tuned life support system so intricately nurtured.

We can deduce that this technology can be put into magnificent action that benefits humankind, such as repairing DNA and cleaning clogged arteries. Perhaps we may even be able to cure genetically defective living beings some day. There dawns upon us a baffling realization that in the grey area between art, science and technology lies curiosity and wonder. Curiosity, just like charity, begins at home, involving our own selves and inspiring us to be explorers in our own backyard. And, at the root of curiosity lies the urge to be more inquisitive and not settle down with only what we know.

About the authors

The article has been contributed by the following students from Our Lady Queen of the Mission School, Park Circus, Kolkata-Mayuri Banerjee, Sharmili Shaha and Uzma Arosa Shahid.

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