The STEAM learning methodology of ISR gives learners an acquaintance of the fundamental 4Cs of the 21st Century, viz. Communication, Critical thinking, Creativity and Collaboration, that are indispensable for becoming lifelong learners and problem solvers.
STEAM-ing ahead

Institutional learning has been historically delivered in compartments. Each subject or discipline has been dealt with separately- textbooks, teachers, time tables, examinations and marks being assigned for each compartment of learning. Unfortunately this pattern is not suitable to support the cause of employability, evident more so in the current decade. According to National Science Foundation, 80% of the jobs to be created by 2030 will require integrated application of the disciplines- Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. (STEM).
We have been witnessing a series of technological advances that disrupt the job market. As per a report by PWC, Internet of Things (IoT), Robotics and Artificial Intelligence are expected to take over more than 70% of the jobs by the year 2030. Alongside, a study by McKinsey in 2018 states that 94% of Engineering graduates are not fit for hiring; and only 3% of Engineers have new age technological skills.
The future will be driven by Driverless Cars, Robotic surgeries, AI news readers, 3D Printed buildings, Checkout-free stores and Drones; technology will change the way we live, learn and work irrespective of our profession. To keep us, humans, relevant in such changing times, high quality STEAM Experiential learning is the way forward that integrates Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics.
STEAM promotes Innovative Collaboration and cooperation between Institutions, organizations, communities, networks through Invention Literacy- that enables and empowers humans to understand how things around them work by igniting their curiosity.The teaching-learning ecosystem of International STEAM Research (ISR) through STEAM learning is fully designed on these principles, aimed towards the realization of 8 out of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations. STEAM represents a paradigm shift from the traditional educational philosophy based on standardized test scores to a modern ideal that focuses on the process of learning as much as the results.
Extensive experience, expertise and exposure of the founders of ISR have enabled them to design effectively structured programmes in Teachers’ training, Skill development, STEAM implementation in schools and STEAM Certification, that will make the learners and learned future-ready with indispensable work-life skills of the 21st Century. This methodology will help learners engage with their environment in a hands-on approach giving them a real-life experience.
The STEAM learning methodology of ISR gives learners an acquaintance of the fundamental 4Cs of the 21st Century, viz. Communication, Critical thinking, Creativity and Collaboration, that are indispensable for becoming lifelong learners and problem solvers. The ISR learning environment also fosters 4 other Cs, viz. Curiosity, Culture, Compassion and Commitment that supplement the first four. Holistically, these attributes are imperative for enabling the learners to develop a spirit of Research and Resilience, forging a Real-life connect with every element of their learning process with a sense of Respect. Such constant reinforcement of these 21st Century work-life skills through inclusive and integrated learning evokes a higher order thinking, ignites minds and empowers learners to become versatile and meaningful problem solvers.