Why take a risk? Rather why NOT?

September 16, 2021by Editorial Team

Taking a risk is challenging. It adds more meaning and enthusiasm to life. You get an opportunity to build up your self-confidence. It expands your knowledge about the world and yourself.

Since I was a child I was always told that I should work diligently day and night until I succeed. I made that my motto and kept at it. However at that time I was unaware that the meaning of success changes to a person as he grows. Finding one’s home, driven by passion, is always a critical activity for an individual that takes a lot of courage and determination. The key to ‘finding your home’ lies in venturing out into the world, out of your comfort zone and giving any sort of activity a try. It won’t matter if you fail at it. However, it will certainly matter when you come across something you realize you love doing. So take the risk and see what it has in store for you.

Risks are tricky. While it is crucial for a well-groomed life experience; taking risk can also land you in dire straits. The trick is that pre-planned, calculated risks have to be taken in order to avoid such stressful situations. People can simply avoid taking risks, however that will narrow down the opportunities taking a risk will provide. A person can spend his life without throwing caution to the wind but that won’t take him anywhere.

Moreover, taking a risk is challenging. It adds more meaning and enthusiasm to life. You get an opportunity to build up your self-confidence. It expands your knowledge about the world and yourself. If you are too afraid to do it always remember, “A bird can’t fly unless it spreads its wings.” It’s not necessary that your risks will always be successful. However, if you fail, it will be an exemplary life lesson for you. Whenever you take a risk you are risking embarrassment, but isn’t that the whole point? Risking embarrassment is your first step towards developing self-confidence. You shouldn’t be afraid to make mistakes. It reminds me of Jim Carey who said that we may fail at doing a lot of things we don’t even like to do in the first place, so why not risk failure at something we actually enjoy doing ? Risk makes us taste the thrill of life. The adrenaline rushes and the wild excitement and anticipation coursing through your veins and finally, the satisfaction of the risk being successful.

Risk-taking brings an array of new opportunities with it. Risks shouldn’t be taken just for the thrill of it, they should be driven by reason. I would like to conclude saying that success and failure are just words, the key to living your life is to keep moving on; being stationary in this competitive world is immensely illogical.

About the Author

The article has been contributed by Zahra Khan, a student of Our Lady Queen of the Missions School, Park Circus, Kolkata.

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